Who can lead the revolution?: Re-thinking anticolonial revolutionary consciousness through Frantz Fanon and Pierre Bourdieu
White, Alexandre, Rachel L.J. Thornton, and Jeremy A. Greene. “Remembering Past Lessons about Structural Racism — Recentering Black Theorists of Health and Society.”
Devakumar, Delan, Sujitha Selvarajah, Ibrahim Abubakar, Seung-Sup Kim, Martin McKee, Nidhi S Sabharwal, Angela Saini, Geordan Shannon, Alexandre I R White, and E Tendayi Achiume. “Racism, Xenophobia, Discrimination, and the Determination of Health.”
Hammer, Ricarda, and Alexandre I. R. White. “Toward a Sociology of Colonial Subjectivity: Political Agency in Haiti and Liberia"
White, Alexandre, Lingxin Hao, Xiao Yu, and Roland J. Thorpe. “Residential Racial Segregation and Social Distancing in the United States during COVID-19.”
Xue, Wingel, and Alexandre White. “COVID-19 and the Rebiologisation of Racial Difference.”
White, Alexandre I. R., and Katrina Quisumbing King, eds. “Introduction: Toward a Global Historical Sociology of Race and Racism.” In Global Historical Sociology of Race and Racism
Selvarajah, Sujitha, Thilagawathi Abi Deivanayagam, Gideon Lasco, Suzanne Scafe, Alexandre White, Wanga Zembe-Mkabile, and Delan Devakumar. “Categorisation and Minoritisation.” BMJ Global Health 5, no. 12 (December 2020): e004508.
White, Alexandre I. R. “Historical Linkages: Epidemic Threat, Economic Risk, and Xenophobia - The Lancet.” Accessed April 2, 2020.
Harris, Joseph, and Alexandre White. “The Sociology of Global Health: A Literature Review.” Sociology of Development 5, no. 1 (March 1, 2019): 9–30.
Nuriddin, Ayah, Graham Mooney, and Alexandre I R White. “Reckoning with Histories of Medical Racism and Violence in the USA.” The Lancet 396, no. 10256 (October 2020): 949–51.
Schoch-Spana, Monica, Emily K. Brunson, Rex Long, Alexandra Ruth, Sanjana J. Ravi, Marc Trotochaud, Luciana Borio, et al. “The Public’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccination: Human-Centered Recommendations to Enhance Pandemic Vaccine Awareness, Access, and Acceptance in the United States.” Vaccine, October 2020.
White, Alexandre I. R. “Global Risks, Divergent Pandemics: Contrasting Responses to Bubonic Plague and Smallpox in 1901 Cape Town.” Social Science History, November 2017, 1–24.